"The Genealogy of the Cushmans" by Henry Wyles Cushman (Boston 1855).
TIB Manti No. 8360, Bk. Q-2, Pg. 299 and Archive Record. 1988 I.G.I.
There seems to be disagreement in the parentage of Clement. His mother could
have been Deborah Seeley. Also, he could have been born in Yorktown Heights,
Westchester, New York.Died aged 92 years 3 months 9 days.
Archive Record.
TIB Salt Lake No. 16161, Bk. 2I, Pg. 541.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Family Record Archives
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
TIB Logan # 8348, Bk. B, Pg. 236.
IGI 1988 - 2 entries.
Archive Record. Endowment reconfirmed and all other blessings ratified on 18 Sept 1968.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Archive Record.
TIB # SL 78356 and Archives.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Archive Record.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Archive Record and TIB # SL 53713.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Archive Record.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
TIB Manti No. 5880, Bk. D, Pg. 169 and Archive Records. All previous Church
Blessings reconfirmed and ratified in the confirmation ordinances.
Archive Record.
Archive Record.
Birth: IGI 1994 version. Locality of birth could be Middletown, Bucks, PA.
Census records confirm year and state; gravestone confirms month.
Birth/Death: Springville Ward records. FHL 0026459 item 2, entry 164.
Rebaptized: 3 Apr 1876. Ward record confirms father's name and month of birth.