Birth date from "The Genealogy of the Cushmans" by Henry Wyles Cushman
(Boston 1855). Birthplace from death certificate.
Death: Ontario death certificate #020238. FHL film 1862269.
1851 Census, Carradoc TWP, Middlesex Co., Ontario. C-11737. Age 17.
1871 Census, Toronto Gore, Peel Co. Ontario. C-9957. Age 36.
1881 Census, e-1, Caradoc TWP, Middlesex Co., Ontario. C-13269. Age 47.
1891 Census, c-3, London TWP, Middlesex Co. Ontario. T-6352. Age 56.
Maiden name from birth registration of her daughter, Minnie.
1871 Census, Toronto Gore, Peel Co., Ontario. C-9957. Age 34.
1881 Census, e-1, Caradoc TWP, Middlesex Co., Ontario. C-13269. Age 43.
1891 Census, c-3, London TWP, Middlesex Co., Ontario. T-6352. Age 54.
Birth date calculated from 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891 Census, London TWP,
Middlesex Co., Ontario. Films C-1050, C-9907, C-13268 and T-6352.
Ages 38, 50, 60 and 69 respectively.
Death/burial: Woodland Cemetery records. FHL film 0855027.
Obituary in The London Advertiser, Saturday, October 21, 1899. Age 78.
Birth: 1901 Census, page 10, e-2, London, Middlesex Co., Ontario. T-6481.
Death/burial: Woodland Cemetery records. FHL film 0855027.
Obituary in The London Advertiser
Will - Archives of Ontario, R.G. 22, Series 321, G.B. Folio 36, Register 1914-171, #11695.
1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891 Census, London TWP, Middlesex Co., Ontario.
Films C-1050, C-9907, C-13268 and T-6352 respectively. Ages 31, 41, 51 and 61(64?) respectively.
Archive Record.
Birth/Blessing: Greater Salt Lake 8th Ward records. FHL #0026847, entry 330.
TIB - Ariz #14662, Bk 2, Pg 98.
TIB EH # 6985 Bk H Pg 317.
TIB EH # 6966, Bk. H, Pg. 317 and Archive Record.